Another milestone!

Dear Diary,

Isla reached another milestone this morning, her first tooth!! YAY!

She'll be 6 months old on Sunday and will have one tooth on her 'birthday'. Mom found it early this morning and is pleased as punch about it too! She still claims she got Isla's first smile at 3 weeks but that is up for debate.

Anyways, I figured something was up with Isla this morning - she woke up screaming at 4:30 a.m., something she never does. Other than that, she's been great, she hasn't been cranky or fussy at all. I'm sure I have the best baby (and cutest!), everyone tells me I do!!!!

I wish I had a picture to show you all her new tooth but I'm having trouble downloading the pics to the computer so it will follow shortly, I hope.

Tomorrow she will reach another milestone, solid food. I'll let you know how that works out too and I hope to have a photo to post.