YAY Isla!

Dear Diary,
The bottles are put away!
We had a sippy cup for her but it was a beginner cup and it seemed like nothing came out of it so we bought a couple more and she loves them. She has one for her juice/water and another for her milk. I lay her in Pack'n'Play and she enjoys it.

With her being in the Pack'n'Play I spend less time cleaning the carpet. She's been spitting up alot so everyday I've going around with my scrub brush bucket of vinegar water cleaning up little spills. I still do it but there isn't as much to clean up! YAY Isla!

We had a bit of snow today and we went for a walk in it this afternoon. I didn't bring my camera with me so I took a photo of her on the balcony when we got home.
I think this is the closest I'm going to get to a dog ~ Isla's hat!!