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Happy Valentines Day!

Dear Diary, On Valentines Day 2008 I was admitted to the hospital. My blood pressure was 140/101. Ummm, not good on any day but especially Valentines Day, six days before my due date. I cried (raging pregnancy hormones) when the midwife showed me to my bed and I really thought I would only be there one night for "observation". Little did I know. I left the hospital with Isla in my arms a week later on February 21. The day after I was admitted Colin brought me a sweet homemade Valentine card and took the day off to stay with me. What a sweet man and just one reason why he is my Valentine . Look what he bought me this year.... He surprised me again although on Thursday night before going to bed I reminded him to buy me flowers (he needs LOTS of gentle reminders).... but my Valentine still managed to surprise me Friday at lunch. This a much better Valentines Day. I'm home, I have my baby and I have my Valentine . Thank you for the flowers dear. I love you too