Time sure flies, doesn't it? It's May already! YAY! I don't mind but if it was going on let's say, November, then I wouldn't be as happy. It's time for my-not-so-intended-to-be-monthly update. Yes, that is just how things have turned out to be. I haven't been in a blogging sort of mood lately. Too much of the same and not much else that is blog worthy but it's not a bad thing. Colin is away and arriving home on Friday for a week and a bit. There hasn't been much change on the visa front although we hope to hear this month of our approved "agreement in prinicple" followed shortly thereafter with the Canadian visa. I just checked Immigration Canada's website and it says they are processing October 3, 2009. That means one of two things: 1. They are VERY slow or October 3 was a heavy mail day as it has showed October 3 for a few weeks now OR 2. They haven't updated the website in a few weeks. I really hope for the latter as...