
What's going on?

Dear Diary, We've had an exciting few days. OK, maybe not extraordinarily exciting but more exciting than usual. First off, a bit of bad news. On Saturday we learned that our tenants in our house in Larne are leaving in 60 days. That is a big concern because as of January we will be responsible for rent here in Colorado and our mortgage on the house. That is alot of financial responsibility and we are quite anxious to either rent it out again or preferrably sell it. Which leads me to the second bit of news. On Tuesday morning we received an email from our agent in Larne that one of the tenants wants to buy the house but the offer was VERY low. We know the housing market is less than stellar at the moment but honestly, the offer was almost insulting. We counter offered back but at this moment we have yet to hear back. I'm assuming it's not good news but I am trying to remain optimistic and patient. Please pray for me, patience does not come easily! The plan at the

Happy Birthday George!

Dear Diary, Happy Birthday George! We wish you God's continued blessings throughout the next year and in years to come. Love from us, Heather, Colin & Isla George is my oldest, much older, bro. I'm not such a good little sister 'cause last night all of a sudden it came to me, it's his birthday tomorrow! Sorry, no time to put a card in the mail but maybe I'll give you a call tonight and hope you're not on the road (he's away from home alot and has a very patient and loving wife, Loretta, for putting up with it!!).

Automatic Email Updates

Dear Diary, Just a gentle reminder that if you have submitted your email address to receive updates to our blog, you have to activate your request before receiving the notice. If I understand the process correctly, an email should've been sent to your email address with a link. Click on the link and take it from there. Chances are you don't have the email anymore in your inbox, right? Well, no problem, just enter your email address in the box to the right and start the process over again. Also, feel free to leave us comments by clicking on the "comments" section at the bottom of each post. Don't feel obligated to leave something for every post, but if you feel the notion to do so, don't be shy, we love to read them. Isn't technology exciting?

Lest we forget

Dear Diary, In Flanders Fields By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae , MD (1872-1918) Canadian Army IN FLANDERS FIELDS the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing,fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. The Canadian War Monument, Vimy Ridge, France I had the honour to visit this piece of Canada in France in 1999 and it was a truly moving and humbling experience. We live so many years after the Great War that it tends to just become history, something that happened in the past. However, once you see the row upon row of graves, names, ages of those who died, it becomes real. Those who say free

At home with the girls

Dear Diary, Two posts in one day, go figure but yet here I am. This morning after church we had the monthly fellowship meal followed by the second service before arriving home mid-afternoon. We fed Isla and hoped she would go back to sleep but no success until 25 minutes ago so here I am, dinner eaten, baby sleeping and I have free time to blog. First an update on our furry girls. When we drove back to Denver, we took them with us. Pearl was good but Dixie, well, let's just say she is not a travelling type of cat. At mom and dad's they were able to go outside most of the day if they wanted too but here they can't and they're both getting bored. My poor girls sit on the door mat leading outside and just look at me to let them out. As a consolation we let them on the balcony now again throughout the day and while we can trust Pearl not to jump we can't with Dixie, she is a bit more daring. Being on the third floor doesn't mean she won't try to jump and I certa

Daddy's Girl

Dear Diary, After my last post wherein I was "bragging" how Isla doesn't wake up once we put her down, she's been doing exactly that for the last two nights. Thankfully, not during the night, just the evening before she gets into a deep sleep. A funny little story about this... The other night Colin went to bed at about 10 p.m. as he was tired. I stayed up until 11ish and then as usual before I went to bed I checked on Isla. She had her head wiggled right in the corner of her crib but I didn't want to move her as she wasn't in danger of suffocating herself and she would only wake up if I did move her. I started to walk away from her crib and then I hear a wail. She was inconsolable! I tried rubbing her tummy, picking her up and even singing the "Isla, Isla" song. Nothing was working. Of course all this noise woke up Colin as our room is right across the hall. He comes in her room and does nothing, not even speaking. Isla saw him, smiled a

Snow Trip!

Dear Diary, The ski resorts in Vail, Aspen, Copper Mountain and others opened today for the new ski season but we didn't go skiing, instead we spent the day driving through the mountains looking at the snow from the comfort and heat of the van. The first snow storm of the season came earlier this week so there was still some nice white stuff further into the mountains. Denver, unfortunately, is snow free albeit the temperature is noticeably falling. The drive along I-70 is lovely and relaxing. It travels right through the valleys and the ruins of old silver and gold mines dot the mountain sides in the little towns of Idaho Springs and Georgetown. Georgetown was our first stop, again. We made a previous visit on July 4th when it was about 100 degrees warmer! Today the lake was frozen over although I don't think the ice was very thick so no ice skating or games of shinny. After a break we travelled through the Eisenhower Tunnel where it was like another world from

A bit of this and a bit of that....

Dear Diary, We've been back in Colorado now for nearly two weeks and we're slowly getting settled and back into a regular routine. The boxes are nearly all unpacked (just waiting to buy a bit more furniture) and I'm working on decorating Isla's room. Since we rent we can't paint the walls so I'm adding bits of colour through wall hangings and her bedding. It's coming along and I'll take a photo maybe next week if I get it done. No snow yet in our area in fact just the opposite, the weather has been amazingly beautiful for this time of year. Today is November 1 and it was 75 degrees! We've trying to make the most of it by spending time outside when we can because I'm sure it'll be a long winter in the apartment. Last Saturday we visited Andersons's Farm and Corn Maze in Erie, Colorado with our church family from Park Hill OPC . The corn maze is huge ~ check out the link! We strolled through the maze and made it to about 6 of the 13 check


Dear Diary, Yup, I got bored last night and changed the blog again... may change again soon but I think I'll leave it like this for awhile. Will post again sometime soon....


Dear Diary, Isla LOVED her excersaucer that she had at my parents house but when we left Canada, we didn't have room in the van to take it with us. We knew we had to get something for her to jump in so I went shopping and found her the Rainforest Jumperoo! She loves it! She is a bit short for it but she can still jump to the moon and back again The Jumperoo is the second Fisher-Price Rainforest item we bought. We also have the high chair but it's not that we planned it, it just sort of happened. Don't worry Mom, she doesn't miss her saucer.