
30 observations of a 1st time Mom

Dear Diary, My baby will be 10 months old tomorrow (photos will be posted) and I've learned heaps about babies and parenthood during that time... I wrote down observations because I didn't want to forget them and thought I would share them on the blog because I'm sure our readers can relate to many of them (a bit of a long read, sorry). 1. You can never completely prepare, plan or know what to expect during childbirth. 2. A c-section is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. 3. After birth, hair falls out by the clumps and it’s even worse after a c-section under general anaesthetic. I wish someone told me to expect it. 4. Pooping takes a lot of energy and concentration. 5. Babies are early morning people. 6. You can never cuddle a newborn enough. 7. No matter how much stain remover you use carrot stains do not come out of clothes. 8. Little girls really are daddy’s girls. 9. You can never have enough bibs. 10. Cheerios are buoyant in the washing machine

It is quite possible...

Dear Diary, It is quite possible that Isla is the world's sweetest and cutest baby!! Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this main page to see why. I was playing around in Picasa and came across the collage feature, I couldn't resist and I have great ideas for her first birthday in February. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On another note, I've been hinting at Colin (I don't think he noticed) that I wouldn't mind getting Photoshop or something like that. I'm not a professional photographer and don't pretend to be either but I want to use some the features available. If you have Photoshop let me know what you think of it or if you use another photo software program let me know about that also.

Happy Birthday Kris!

Dear Diary, Today is the 20th birthday of our niece, Kristen... Happy Birthday Kris, We pray you continue to have another blessed and healthy year!

How did that happen?

Dear Diary, Did I do it again? My creative juices were running and I once again got carried away. I prefer this layout as I can control the colours and it's also less pink. I changed it for my husband who doesn't like pink, except on Isla.....

New Do, Finally

Dear Diary, I finally got my haircut and a colour this morning! Woohoo! (but no photos) It's been way too long and I was starting to suffer from stay-at-home-mom syndrome. You know, bad hair, too many sweat pants and puke on my shoulder... AND, we're going out for dinner with friends without Isla... I love her but it's nice to go out without stuffing your face and getting out of there in 30 mins. because little one is bored and whiney.... What a nice Saturday!

Thankful Thursday

Dear Diary, Today is Thankful Thursday again, hosted by Iris of Grace Alone . Feel free to pay her a visit. When Colin and I left the UK we left behind a lot of good friends and family and came to a part of the world where we knew almost nobody (we knew 2 people). Everything was new, we didn't know where anything was and we were missing the familiarity that we took for granted. 1. I am thankful that God directed us to our new church where every Sunday the Word is preached purely and we are able to attend without any interference or opposition. 2. I am thankful for all the new developing friendships we have with our new church family. They have welcomed us into their fellowship with open arms and without hesitation. 3. I am thankful that last night I was able to attend the Titus II Women's Study Group cookie exchange. The cookies are all so yummy and we were able to enjoy learning about each others Christmas traditions and memories. It was a lovely evening of good laughs a

Turn the volume up, we've been Elf'd!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

YAY Isla!

Dear Diary, The bottles are put away! We had a sippy cup for her but it was a beginner cup and it seemed like nothing came out of it so we bought a couple more and she loves them. She has one for her juice/water and another for her milk. I lay her in Pack'n'Play and she enjoys it. With her being in the Pack'n'Play I spend less time cleaning the carpet. She's been spitting up alot so everyday I've going around with my scrub brush bucket of vinegar water cleaning up little spills. I still do it but there isn't as much to clean up! YAY Isla! We had a bit of snow today and we went for a walk in it this afternoon. I didn't bring my camera with me so I took a photo of her on the balcony when we got home. I think this is the closest I'm going to get to a dog ~ Isla's hat!!