
I hate it when that happens....

I just wrote a big long post and when I hit the publish button, I got an error message. I hate it when that happens!!! Perhaps I shouldn't re-write it, I'll think about it. In the meantime, here is a little bit of sweetness:

Daddy's Girl

The weekends include alot of Daddy and Isla time. I'm handy to have around when Colin isn't, apparently. Colin left the apartment this weekend and she started bawling her eyes out and came running to me. I guess it's my role to be a comforter. During the week when he is home from work he has started the habit of knocking on the kitchen window to announce that he is home. If you could see her face when she sees him, it's priceless! To say that she is a daddy's girl is an understatement. But I'm not jealous, even when she won't give me an eskimo kiss (nee, nee as she calls it) after rubbing Colin's nose without fail everyday. Oh no, not me! I get to have her all to myself all day. Of course there are times that I would love to just go out on my own but 99% of the time, I love our time together. Just this morning we enjoyed our coffee break on the balcony together. I had coffee and she enjoyed her cup of juice while wearing her favourite hat. Goi

More independent every day... sigh....

My baby is almost 18 months old and everyday is showing signs that she is getting more and more independent. Just yesterday she went down the slide all by herself... Oh sigh, and then she went on the horse by herself and wiggled away.. I understand to some readers you're saying to yourself, who cares, but this is my BABY and she's doesn't need me for EVERYTHING anymore... Pretty soon she'll be asking for the car keys.... sighhh... Until then, I think I'll take her shopping this afternoon and push her around in her stroller, just like a baby!!!

She's happy and we know it!

YAY! Isla has finally gained the weight back that she lost a couple of weeks ago while she was sick. I was beginning to think she would be stuck at 21.4 lbs. forever but we weighed her yesterday on our bathroom scales (I HATE that thing) and she was 22.7 lbs. FINALLY! I'm hoping she'll crack the 23lb. mark by her 18 month birthday in a couple of weeks. Out of curiousity, I checked her height and weight against the "average" 17 month old. Her weight puts her at the 36th percentile and she grew a bit taller and is now at the 63rd percentile for height. I haven't measured her head because it's usually in the upper 90th percentile - she has that big Black head that's full of brains!!! Honestly, she started life small (5lbs 4ozs.) and has always grown out her own rate so I've never followed or even really cared about percentiles. She is who she is, petite, and I don't compare her to other kids because we know she's healthy and developing ri

What to do with crazy hair?

OK, so when I take the piggies out of Isla's hair at night, this is what I'm left to contend with: W-I-N-G-S I remember having the same problem as a kid. These days my hair is falling out in clumps but that is to be discussed in another post when I feel up to it. What do I do? Her hair is getting so long it's starting to fall into her eyes and the only way I can keep it out of her eyes is to tie back in piggies. Thankfully she doesn't seem to mind too much. Hair clips are not an option. I don't know why, ask Isla. BUT since her hair has been growing quickly I was thinking of getting her hair cut in the near future and cut in the bangs (or fringe for those who call bangs, fringe) and to even the rest of it out. Yes, her first "real" haircut! But should I? Should I get her bangs or should I just tie them back with piggies? ummm, I might have to sleep on it a bit more but I'm leaning toward a "real" haircut with bangs. What do y'all t

An update of sorts...

Dear Diary, Just another day of not much going on which I suppose is a good thing. The weather has cooled down significantly (I'm wearing sweat pants and sweat shirt!) and it's been wet. It's forecasted to get back into the 80's this weekend but I can't say I'm looking forward to it, I kind of like it the way it is. Colin's "new" boss was in town the past day or so and told him the plan for the American operations. It sounds good especially the part about getting a company car. Now all we need is the stupid visa but there is a plan to speed that up as well and we're hoping it works out but other than that, nothing new on the visa front either. I took a few photos of the lil lady this morning before lunch. How cute is this? I gotta say this could be one of my favourites EVER! We're so in love with her, how could we not be? Enjoy your day. I'm going to get myself a cup of tea and relax until she wakes up from her nap.

Just hangin' out at home

Dear Diary, Isla and I spend alot of time at home and I admit the days can be l-o-n-g and boring at times. Yes, she does keep me on my toes but it doesn't always mean exciting as in stimulating. She is content following me around, "talking" together and "helping" me - yes, she can dust and clean windows - but periodically throughout the day we stop to go for walks, read books and play mega blocks. There are even times that she goes in her Pack 'n' Play - that would be a playpen to the "older" generation of readers. I can't believe it, I thought that by 17 months I would've had that thing packed up by now but she still loves to go in there to just hang out by herself and since it doesn't take up alot room, we leave it up. She loves to read her books, talk on the Fisher Price phone to Oma & Opa (did you get all those phone calls mom and dad?) and it's very conveniently located for watching tv! It's also great for

Anniversary Preparations

Dear Diary, Last summer Colin and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary apart - he was in the UK working on getting the business visa and I was at my parents house in Canada. This year we should be celebrating our 3rd anniversary together and I want to make it special since it's been a bit of a downer year for us. I already know what I'm going to get him but I've been drooling over this custom bracelet created by Kristen Andrews on for awhile and I know that he wouldn't be able to order just the way I want it so I did it myself a few weeks ago. It arrived last week and I love it! The first charm is our anniversary date and the second charm has Isla's name along with her birthstone. The nice thing about this bracelet and all the jewellery Kristen creates is that you can keep adding to it as all the charms are attached with lobster claws and each charm is hand stamped so each piece is unique. Until our anniversary at the end of August, I am trying very