
19 Months Old

Guess who is 19 months old today? Isla! If you didn't guess that, you've never read our blog.... Yup, only 5 months until her 2nd birthday, it's crazy even to think about it but I already starting planning it my head. What has Isla been up to lately: She wears 18 month old clothes even if most of them are still big on her. Size 5 shoes She LOVES playing outside in the grass and isn't afraid to get dirty. She has been eating really well with a fork and spoon - so well in fact that Oma has commented on what a good and clean eater she is and would be acceptable to bring her to a restaurant! She can say her name. She can finally climb onto our bed. We are taking her to the dr. next week for a well visit so I will post "official" weight, height and head circumference after the appointment. As for other milestones: Most toddlers should be able to . . . Feed self with spoon and fork - done Run well - done Brush teeth with help - done String more words togeth

Happy Birthday (great) Oma!

What a blessing it was yesterday for my Oma, Isla's great-Oma to be able to celebrate her 96th birthday! She came over to Mom and Dad's first for party #1 including cake, of course then it was off to Aunt Aaf's for another party. Before she left we took a few photos to commemorate the occasion. Four generations although the youngest generation doesn't look too impressed, does she? ... and lastly, Mom with her Mom. I'm so glad Isla gets to meet her great-oma again - another reason I really wanted to come home!

Roadtrip Musings...

Well, where do I start? It's been a long month to start with. One problem after another and in the process I lost the motivation to blog but things are better again or at least are in the process of getting better. Moving so many times in a short period of time is emotionally, physically and financially exhausting. Trust me! I guess the best place to start is several weeks ago. It was only after about three date changes did we arrange the moving date and we left on Sept. 9 at 5 a.m. We were loaded down to say the least.... .. the top row of photos was taken in the apartment when we were packing up. That stuff left with the movers. ... the bottom row is a photo of our van and it went with us, obviously. It was squishy in there because we also had the cats but we made it to mom and dad's in 2.5 days - 1468 miles completed! Nebraska and Iowa are big states even though you may not believe looking at the map but just try driving through them. They go on and on and on.

Our Home and Native land....

We've arrived! Crossed the border into Canada at 11 o'clock this morning, hit the first Tim Horton's at 12 noon and arrived at mom and dad's at 2:15 p.m. All is well but we're all very tired. Will post about our journey with photos sometime soon...

I'll be back...

... but so much has to be done first, like this...... and when it does finally get arranged, it gets changed five minutes later... ... so then I do this... day there will be light at the end of the tunnel, like when we cross the Canadian border....

Three years and counting....

Heather writes: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh". Gen. 2: 24 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY COLIN! xoxo

Bon anniversaire de mariage 28 août 2009

Colin writes: Last year we weren't able to celebrate our wedding anniversary together as Heather and I were apart. This year thankfully we are together. Therefore I would just like to say to you Heather dear, "it's good to be together, and I look forward to spending many more years with you" Love always, Colin......

Museums are for kids!

I'm REALLY tired tonight but thought I would post a few photos from our trip to the children's museum today before I go to bed. Isla and I went with a friend and her son and I think it is safe to say we all had a good time. I'll be short on commentary but this museum is great because she can touch EVERYTHING! There are areas for kids to just run about, get dressed up and kid-sized exhibits. I think I may try to make another trip before we leave for Canada. In the locker.... ... out of the locker. ... the bunny costume she looked incredibly cute wearing... ... just like her father in the kitchen, making a mess and lovin' it! She wasn't sure what to think of the fireman get up...