
Day 30 - Peek-a-boo nap time

I went into her room to wake her up from her nap (I don't want her sleeping longer than 1.5 hours in the afternoon).  She was snug as a bug bundled up under the duvet. ... until she heard the click of my camera ... there she is! Her hair was soaked with sweat and curly, curly, curly.... I should've got a photo of it... oh well...

Day 29 - She's been filling her time doing things like this....

After I changed her, I made the mistake of leaving her for a few minutes and came back to this... Sitting on the coffee table with the change pad and wipes everywhere... I hate to think of what I could've returned too if I didn't already take care of the dirty diaper ... Silly girl with silly hair...

Day 25 - Dirty Little Monkey

I thought this only happened to boys. Guess not, eh? Time for tubby-tub. Again.

Day 24 - Water Works


Day 15 - Sunday Best

Her new summer dress!  It's adorable and even sweeter on her  ;-) This is what she was doing as I was trying to take a pic! My three lovely girls!

Day 14 - Have you been gone 2 weeks already?

Our girl playing with her "new" Tonka truck.... 'Til next time,

Day 13 - ' cause I missed a day...

She has it all figured out - move the trash can to the floor, step on the cat litter box and then grabs her tooth brush and paste!  Smart cookie - she'd do it 18x a day if I let her!

Day 11 - TIM!!!!

Well, it was mine and she snuck it and finished it after I put it down for a minute.