Dear Diary,
Isla celebrated her 6 month birthday yesterday! Born on a Sunday and now she celebrated her "birthday" on a Sunday! How times flies as they say. This is the one time in her life when she is allowed to triple her weight but then if you start life at just over five pounds it doesn't take long to triple!
She stills has just the one tooth. Her little cheeks are really pink but when we check it's still just the one. It's good thing she has at least one tooth 'cause she's been getting solid food now for four days! Rice cereal isn't her favourite - I give her the bottle to wash it down but she's doing OK. I'll try pureed vege in a couple of days.
This is her first taste of solid food - she did really well and even opened her mouth for another bite - but after that it's become a bit of struggle.
And her birthday lunch on Sunday of rice cereal. Still not that tasty but thankfully her bottle was around to wash it down.
Mom found her an excersaucer on a garage sale on Saturday and she really likes it. Once she figured out she could bounce, there's no stopping her. She's a wild woman!
She loves going for walks in the evenings and loves to sit her stroller when we sit outside. The mosquitos are plentiful at this time of year due to the equally bountiful amounts of rain received so we haven't had as many walks as we should but when we do, she sings up a storm in the stroller.
My brother George came over last night with Emily (14) and Benjamin (10) to say hi and of course Isla needed her photo taken with her cousins. Uncle George was being shy and wouldn't be caught on camera but these two above didn't mind. Lately, when George pops by the house Isla is always in bed so it was unusual for her to be up at this time of night.
Isla's citizenship application is in the mail and now we await the confirmation letter. Let's hope it doesn't take too long to arrive.
AND lastly, only four days until Colin arrives to spend a few days with us before he flies off AGAIN. We are suppose to lovely weather this weekend and we plan on making the most of his three days with us.
'Til next time,
Heather, Colin and Isla