A family of lightweights?
Dear Diary,
I bought a bathroom scale this week. Not just an ordinary scale but the Biggest Loser scale and it was to come with the Biggest Loser DVD but it wasn't there. I'm writing a letter to get my DVD. Oh yeah, and it was on sale at Tar-get.
I bought it for a couple of reasons.
1. Since we are still not in a position to get a pediatrician for Isla and get her checked out, I wanted to weigh her.
2. Also, I'm not sure the scale I use at the gym has EVER been calibrated and therefore unsure of it's accuracy.
Despite my unfocused week, I managed to maintain my weight. Granted I did bump up the workouts and really watched my calories but this week, I've been a really good girl and the scale proves it. I'm down another 4 lbs. I'm not sure how I managed to shed those pounds but they're gone and never going back to my hips. Maybe it was water weight. My body is like a sponge.
It also helps that we have blessed with summer temps. This week and Isla and I have been enjoying the great weather with nice long (power) walks. In addition, I've been going to the gym in the evenings. I'm not being obsessive, I just want Isla to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air but at the same time I want to be sure I'm maximizing my work outs. I feel good!
On to Isla's weight. She was small when she was born at 5lbs. 4 ozs. and she continues that trend. I weighed her yesterday and she was 18 lbs. even. But she feels so heavy! I didn't expect that.
Some websites say many dr's don't take into consideration genetic makeup and just go on the average. I'm so thankful she takes after Colin. If she took after me she'd be 25 lbs!! Besides, big babies are not necessarily healthy babies.
However, I am a bit concerned since the average 11 month old is about 21 lbs. but Colin assures me she is healthy, eats well, sleeps well (most of the time) and is developing right on track.
She is 29.5 inches long which is right on.
I know I should be thankful she is healthy. She's probably off to a good start since so many kids (and adults) struggle with obesity. If she keeps this up, we won't have that problem in the future, I pray.