15 Month Update
Dear Diary,
Isla is now 15 months old and WOW didn't she enjoy her last month of life.
In case you haven’t heard, the big news is she is walking!
It started with three steps everyday for about a week but one night she REALLY wanted her teddy and nothing was going to stop her. She went for 8 steps and before we knew it was 20 steps to get to her Fisher Price telephone. Who would've thought? She is now walking 95% of the time with rarely a stumble.
She is also eating much better as long as I have 3 hours to spare. She is a super ssssllllooooowwww eater but hey, it's better than nothing! I think speed is the secret with the lady and she is eating lumpy food including meat and vegetables fairly well too. She'll eat just about anything with applesauce.
Her 15 months stats are:
Weight: 21.4 lbs.
Teeth - 1 new upper molar for a total of 11 teeth and
I’m waiting for the first canine tooth (lower left) to cut through.
Words: "hi there", "teddy" and “moo” (holding her cow)
have been added to her vocabulary list.
She loves giving "high fives" and kisses.
New foods include avocado, peppers, any type of meat.
An excerpt from a website, at 15 months:
Most babies should be able to . . .
· Toddle well - done
· Say up to five words - done
· Climb stairs – no clue, we don’t have stairs
· Like to look at books and turn pages - done
· Laugh at funny things – especially Daddy!
Some babies will probably be able to . . .
· Walk well or runs – walking, not running yet and
I’m not encouraging her
· Draw lines
· Say no and shakes head
· Like to sing – done, it’s soooooo cute!
· Follow simple directions - done
Some babies could possibly be able to . . . · Walk up stairs · Want to help around the house · Remember caregiver and separation anxiety lessens – never been a problem · Respond to verbal requests without signals of any type - done
I think it is fair to say that she has another very good monthly report card indeed!