First trip to the ZOO!
Dear Diary,
We finally decided to take a family day trip out to the Denver Zoo!
She loved it!
She loved the animals and especially the people. Yes, we have been blessed with a nosey little girl.
Unfortunately, the camera battery was 99% dead when we arrived and the backup was 100% dead so we have three photos to share. I'm disappointed but I'm sure we'll go again.
Here is the best of what we have to share:
With Colin in the aviary - I think the birds were called Lorikeets or something to that affect.
They looked like miniature toucans. So cute and there were so many - this photo does them no justice!
And you can't go to the zoo without eating lunch!
It's a nice zoo, not too big and easily walked through in a few hours. We saw a wildlife show that had birds of prey flying over our heads and as we neared the end of our day we noticed that they let the peacocks roam aimlessly around. They preened their feathers and weren't afraid to let everyone know who the prettiest bird in zoo was! I wish I had a photo... grr...
This is a lame post but it was our day out. Nontheless, it was nice to spend some time together looking at and watching God's wonderful creatures!