Half-Birthdays and Airplanes
I'm starting this post about our afternoon rather than the morning because that's the way the photos uploaded....
Colin and I decided to visit the Wings Over the Rockies museum this afternoon. It's located at the old Lowry AFB here in Denver and since it's so close to home, we should check it out. What else are we going to do this afternoon?
There were lots of Air Force planes and helicopters since the start of flight so it made for an interesting afternoon. Isla, however, enjoyed the children's play room the most as she was held "captive" in the stroller and couldn't run around freely. We also learned our girl is NOT into airplanes at all but I can't say I blame her. Colin enjoyed it and it was small break from the ordinary.
Now backtracking to this morning.....
I belong to chat room of other February 2008 moms. We have daily discussions about the goings on in our daily lives and how the little ones are sleeping or not sleeping and that sort of mommy thing. Someone on there had the brilliant idea to do gift exchanges for birthdays by picking names through Elfster.com. Since the first birthday exchange went well it was decided to break the year up and do one also for the 18 month birthday and the theme this time around was Bedtime - pj's and books!
Isla received her "buddy gift" last weekend already but I had to wait until the 15th (this morning) to open it even though her 18 month birthday isn't until Monday. I had as much fun this morning as I did on her 1st birthday and I think she did too!
Good fun!
She's 18 months on Monday so I'll post more about then - you know I will.... ;-)
Not much else going on around here so enjoy your weekend and have a blessed Sunday!