20 Months Old!
Look who discovered leaves!
Yes, we will be back out there this afternoon to play in them... Having to go for a nap at 20 months old is such a drag, isn't it?
So, what is she up to lately? Well the "experts" say this:
Most toddlers should be able to . . .
Take off clothes without help
Pretend to help toys; imitates, such as feeding a doll
Know when something is wrong
Run well
Some toddlers will probably be able to . . .
Say 20 to 50 words
Start to learn words, possible 5 or more per day
Enjoy helping with things around the house
Start setting small goals
Some toddlers could possibly be able to . . .
Show better signs of bladder control
Walk up and possible down stairs with some assistance
Start to learn up to 10 new words per day
Umm, it looks like alot of emphasis on speech which is something we need to work on. She repeats alot of what we say but isn't saying new words on a regular basis or stringing many words together. I'll give her time, I'm not worried about it yet.
Otherwise I'd say she is doing well. She is petite wearing mostly 12 month jeans etc. but fits 18 month tops loosely - typically Isla. Mom and Dad swear that she's gained weight since moving in and perhaps it's a testament to Mom's cooking but I think she has as well.
I'm also semi-potty training her if you can call it that. I'm working on getting her familiar with the potty and beginning to understand what the potty is for. Right now she just thinks it's fun to sit on so yeah, we have a long ways to go but once she catches on, I plan on doing a week potty-training blitz hopefully before her 2nd birthday in February.
In the meantime, we are coping without Colin and he is coping without us. He is in Brazil and misses her as much as we miss him. It breaks my heart to see her kiss and hug the phone for daddy but only 11 more days and he'll be home until he has to leave again.