
Showing posts with the label Isla

20 Months Old!

Look who discovered leaves! Yes, we will be back out there this afternoon to play in them... Having to go for a nap at 20 months old is such a drag, isn't it? So, what is she up to lately? Well the "experts" say this: Most toddlers should be able to . . . Take off clothes without help Pretend to help toys; imitates, such as feeding a doll Know when something is wrong Run well Some toddlers will probably be able to . . . Say 20 to 50 words Start to learn words, possible 5 or more per day Enjoy helping with things around the house Start setting small goals Some toddlers could possibly be able to . . . Show better signs of bladder control Walk up and possible down stairs with some assistance Start to learn up to 10 new words per day Umm, it looks like alot of emphasis on speech which is something we need to work on. She repeats alot of what we say but isn't saying new words on a regular basis or stringing many words together. I'll give her time, I'm no

19 Months Old

Guess who is 19 months old today? Isla! If you didn't guess that, you've never read our blog.... Yup, only 5 months until her 2nd birthday, it's crazy even to think about it but I already starting planning it my head. What has Isla been up to lately: She wears 18 month old clothes even if most of them are still big on her. Size 5 shoes She LOVES playing outside in the grass and isn't afraid to get dirty. She has been eating really well with a fork and spoon - so well in fact that Oma has commented on what a good and clean eater she is and would be acceptable to bring her to a restaurant! She can say her name. She can finally climb onto our bed. We are taking her to the dr. next week for a well visit so I will post "official" weight, height and head circumference after the appointment. As for other milestones: Most toddlers should be able to . . . Feed self with spoon and fork - done Run well - done Brush teeth with help - done String more words togeth

Happy Half-Birthday!

Half-Birthday? Yes, Isla is 18 months so half way to her 2nd birthday. I've heard the 2nd year goes quicker than the 1st year and they are right! She is still very much a happy social girl however just the last few weeks she has started to grow weary of adults but plays well with other children. Sharing isn't easy either but in her defense she's alone alot and is pretty good the few times she gets to "practice" sharing. At least there are no tantrums! She loves a good cuddle on her time and is a good smoocher. All we have to say is "mmmmm" and she'll come running to give us a kiss. Colin gets loads of hugs but I really have to work to get one! Nice. On the speaking front she is a chatter box but 90% of the time, we're not sure what she is saying otherwise she is right up there with her peers. She says all sorts of words like keys (a favourite toy), apple (the new favourite word), ball (which she can throw overhand) and others which

Daddy's Girl

The weekends include alot of Daddy and Isla time. I'm handy to have around when Colin isn't, apparently. Colin left the apartment this weekend and she started bawling her eyes out and came running to me. I guess it's my role to be a comforter. During the week when he is home from work he has started the habit of knocking on the kitchen window to announce that he is home. If you could see her face when she sees him, it's priceless! To say that she is a daddy's girl is an understatement. But I'm not jealous, even when she won't give me an eskimo kiss (nee, nee as she calls it) after rubbing Colin's nose without fail everyday. Oh no, not me! I get to have her all to myself all day. Of course there are times that I would love to just go out on my own but 99% of the time, I love our time together. Just this morning we enjoyed our coffee break on the balcony together. I had coffee and she enjoyed her cup of juice while wearing her favourite hat. Goi

More independent every day... sigh....

My baby is almost 18 months old and everyday is showing signs that she is getting more and more independent. Just yesterday she went down the slide all by herself... Oh sigh, and then she went on the horse by herself and wiggled away.. I understand to some readers you're saying to yourself, who cares, but this is my BABY and she's doesn't need me for EVERYTHING anymore... Pretty soon she'll be asking for the car keys.... sighhh... Until then, I think I'll take her shopping this afternoon and push her around in her stroller, just like a baby!!!

She's happy and we know it!

YAY! Isla has finally gained the weight back that she lost a couple of weeks ago while she was sick. I was beginning to think she would be stuck at 21.4 lbs. forever but we weighed her yesterday on our bathroom scales (I HATE that thing) and she was 22.7 lbs. FINALLY! I'm hoping she'll crack the 23lb. mark by her 18 month birthday in a couple of weeks. Out of curiousity, I checked her height and weight against the "average" 17 month old. Her weight puts her at the 36th percentile and she grew a bit taller and is now at the 63rd percentile for height. I haven't measured her head because it's usually in the upper 90th percentile - she has that big Black head that's full of brains!!! Honestly, she started life small (5lbs 4ozs.) and has always grown out her own rate so I've never followed or even really cared about percentiles. She is who she is, petite, and I don't compare her to other kids because we know she's healthy and developing ri

What to do with crazy hair?

OK, so when I take the piggies out of Isla's hair at night, this is what I'm left to contend with: W-I-N-G-S I remember having the same problem as a kid. These days my hair is falling out in clumps but that is to be discussed in another post when I feel up to it. What do I do? Her hair is getting so long it's starting to fall into her eyes and the only way I can keep it out of her eyes is to tie back in piggies. Thankfully she doesn't seem to mind too much. Hair clips are not an option. I don't know why, ask Isla. BUT since her hair has been growing quickly I was thinking of getting her hair cut in the near future and cut in the bangs (or fringe for those who call bangs, fringe) and to even the rest of it out. Yes, her first "real" haircut! But should I? Should I get her bangs or should I just tie them back with piggies? ummm, I might have to sleep on it a bit more but I'm leaning toward a "real" haircut with bangs. What do y'all t

A little bit fruity....

Dear Diary, Isla LOVES fruit, especially the "yellow fruit" (code words for banana or nanas as she calls them) so last week when I saw cherries on sale at the grocery store I thought I would buy her some to see what she thinks. Personally, I don't like cherries and while she didn't mind them the amount of work it is to get the pit out by hand we decided they're not worth the effort. Colin had the great idea to make a pie with the leftover cherries. Do you see the scruff on his chin? Do me a favour and tell him to shave it for me. I didn't have high expectations that he would shave it for me but even Isla doesn't like it and it's still on his face! Speaking of hair, check out Isla's hair. I put pigtails in this morning for the first time. I have figured out that the best time to put them in is when she is distracted by playing with the bathroom faucet. Her sticky-outty hair has been driving me crazy! The curls are only cute when

When she thinks I'm not looking...

Dear Diary, I did some baking today (muffins and brownies in case you're interested) and took the locks off of the island doors to get to my baking supplies and small appliances. The little lady took advantage of her chance to explore and destroy.... Is anybody looking? Take a good rummage around for anything good to play with.... ahhh, a lid - what fun!!! She's a handful but no worse than any other toddler her age and she's a ton of fun. A funny story from this weekend. Colin took her to Target on Saturday to pick up a few things. She was whiny in the car but as soon as she got in the store, she turned on the charm by smiling and saying "Hi there" and waving to everyone, especially the grandmas. This girl is a grandma magnet!! What can I say, we love her !

17 Months old but no photos, sorry folks

Dear Diary, I'm thankful that Isla is starting month 18 on a healthy note because she has been sick this week and has spread the germ to both Colin and I. Right now Colin is in bed which is where I was yesterday. Other than this germ we are trying to get rid of, she's has had a good month. She's getting along well with the cats, she's great at entertaining herself and she is speaking more. She has become miss independent which is sometimes good but sometimes frustrating for us - I guess it's a sign she's growing up! Her stats are: Weight: 21.8 lbs - she's been off food this week and lost weight :-( Height: 31 inches Teeth: I THINK she has 16 but possibly 18 - we're waiting for at least 2 more molars. New words: hat, cup, banana and a few others I can't think of right now. The good thing is if you say a new word she will at least try to say it. Some of her favourite things: - tubby tub - she could stay in there all day and just this week will sp

My poor girl...

Dear Diary, ... hasn't been feeling well the last few days. Just when we think she's feeling better, I'm washing the sheets on her bed again and she has slight temperature... For now she's eating the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) and I'll probably keep her on it for a few more days until we're 100% sure her tummy is recovered. Funny thing is, that is pretty much all the lady likes to eat anyways... Please pray she recovers soon and returns to her usual toddler self.

Another first and a proud mommy!

Dear Diary, Another treasure for the memory box.... Isla's first drawing! It can't be all work, a little of play time too... The artist hard at work. The masterpiece! Okay, maybe I helped her a little bit but this was the first time she ever used a crayon and I think she did really good job!

Panicing, fat lips and other events from this week

Dear Diary, I've always known I'm not a quick thinker on my feet but twice this week (Wednesday actually) I paniced and froze. It's bothered me ever since and I'm thankful Colin springs into action while I come to grips with what just happened. I'd be horrible a ER nurse, that much I know. Anyways, it scares me to think what could've happened if it weren't for a quicker thinking person. I feel awful about both incidents and I wish I sprung into action like WonderWoman. Thanks be to God nothing serious resulted. I won't go into detail of the first incident but the second involved Isla stumbling and putting a tooth through her lip. She cried and cried and it bled something horrible. She's OK ,didn't require stitches and I'm sure there will be many more fat lips in her future. In the meantime, I'm coming to grips with the bloody side of parenting. I shudder at the thought of a broken limb. Take a look at that lip.... By dinnertime it was

Happy Canada Day, eh!!!

Dear Diary, Isla and I would like to wish our fellow Canadians (especially those stuck in this country) a very HAPPY CANADA DAY! We just wish we were up north to celebrate...

All things girlie

Dear Diary, One of the best things about having a daughter is dressing her up! (Colin is shaking his head) I love little girl clothes and better yet so much fun to shop for. Almost like a living doll!! Having a boy cannot be half as much fun as having a girl. Check out this dress (with bloomers) I picked for the lady at a kids consignment store a few months back. Is this not the cutest? Actually Isla has loads of cute dresses and now that she can walk, it's so much easier for her to wear them too. Here is a closer look at the detail and don't ask me why she is holding her nose: Don't you just love the way she models her clothes so well? I asked her to stand against the wall and she did it! During the last couple of weeks, two people have told us to get her involved in modelling and I'm hesitant to do it but hey, by the looks of it maybe she has a future as a Gap model!

Where's the Baby?

Dear Diary, Isla's favourite game from just a few months old has always been "Where's the Baby?". It's very simple, just throw a blanket over her face. ... and it never fails to get smiles and giggles out of her... Say goodbye to the curls.... Last night I decided the tips of her hair needed a bit of snip to help her hair to grow and thicken up a bit...... sadly, her hair was looking pretty straight this morning. The curls were too good to last!

Colin's out-of-town Photo II

Dear Diary, I call this photo, spit and polished! We're off to the immunization clinic this afternoon for an injection and you gotta look good! See you tonight dear - have a safe flight home.

Colin's out-of-town - Photo I

Dear Diary, Colin took this photo on Wednesday morning before heading to the airport but that smile is so sweet I couldn't resist posting it for him. (just ignore the food in her mouth) See you Friday!

This week in our lives, so far...

Dear Diary, Yesterday was Colin's birthday and I think (I hope) he had a good day. When he got home from work, Isla and I gave him his presents and cake. He enjoyed it as much as 38 year old man enjoys it.. Afterwards we went our for sushi, Colin's choice, and while he enjoyed it, I opted for tempura instead. That was probably a big mistake as I was sick all night and felt pretty lousy today. It must've been a bit of food poisoning I guess. Onto Isla .... She's done this before but on Monday I was battling with her to keep her blankets, bed sheets etc. in her dresser. Thankfully this dresser is designed that only one drawer can open at a time so I now have a sock sticking out of the top drawer which prevents her from opening the bottom.... Onto the cats .... The little guy in the picture is a HUGE problem for two furry girls. He hangs out in the tree in front of the dining room window and comes to taunt them several times a day. It's funny to watch them sin


Dear Diary, ... she is 30.5 inches tall (or 2.5 feet ) but as you can see her heels are not to the wall so maybe she's 31 inches tall.