Dear Diary, yes, I'm horrible, but there's been nothing worthy of blogging!!! Colin and I have been going about with the daily stress of work and routine life so I didn't have anything interesting to post - and not much has changed now either but that isn't stopping me from adding this blog post! Colin has spent a few days here and there doing the five-hour commute to Galway and then coming home again. For the most part he has been staying close to home which has been nice for the both of us especially at this dreary time of year. His boss was in Belfast a few weeks ago and the "Irish" crowd went out to catch up and he came home with some interesting stories to tell... My job is pretty much the same - get up, get on the bus, go into work, type, type, type and type some more, leave work, get back on the bus and go home..... Exciting, eh? Our girls are doing well. They've just finished a growth spurt and finally stopped eating! Pearl is our "big gal...