
I Had To Let You All Know....

Dear Diary, We're So Blessed!

Sometimes I think....

Dear Diary, ... that my dad and Colin are blood related. Do you see her yellow socks hanging out of her pants? That is exactly what my dad would've done with them too! It's not the first time I told Colin my theory... Just had to share... Have a blessed Sunday wherever you may be.


Dear Diary, I've been tagged by Katy Lin at the great adventure ... Here's how to do this 8 THINGS thing: Mention the person that tagged you (done). Complete the lists of 8's. (done) Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends (done, sort of, I'm lazy, it's Saturday). Go tell them you tagged them! 8 Things I Look Forward To : 1. Weekends with Colin and Isla. 2. Church on Sunday. 3. SLEEP! 4. Colin's cooking . 5. Any day I get the van. 6. Our trip to Canada this summer. 7. The green card. 8. Pay day! 8 Things I did yesterday : 1. Watched Sesame Street. 2. Showered. 3. Napped. 4. Went on Facebook. 5. Made and drank lots of coffee. 6. Played with Isla. 7. Watched the movie, "The Boy in the striped Pyjamas". 8. Prayed. 8 Things I wish I could do : 1. Travel to Tahiti. 2. Not turn 40! 3. Live in one location for longer than 3 years. 4. Never disappoint the ones I love. 5. Never disappoint God. 6. Learn to take decent photographs.

Spring Swingin' and Sisters

Dear Diary, Colin is away in NYC and Philadelphia for a few days this week so Isla and I have been getting out and taking advantage of trips to the park. She loves going to the park especially the swings. If she had her way, I'd push her for hours! Lately every time I try to snap her photo, she won't look at me. Apparently mommy is not that exciting and other people or things are much more interesting. Here is a classic example although I still love it. She is such a happy girl! Back at home she has been spending time in her deck chair on the balcony with her furry sisters but she's been scraping her knees while crawling on the balcony concrete. Ouch! While we've enjoyed getting out the last couple of days, we'll be happy to have Colin home with us again tonight!


Dear Diary, This past weekend was horrendous in terms of weather because it snowed for two days and when it wasn't snowing, it was sleet, then snow, then rain, then snow, etc. Today it was back up to 70 degrees and Wednesday it's up to 80 degrees. Go figure. Look at the snow today. It's gone!!!!! There is so much snow melting a constant "river" noise can be heard all day. For the first time since moving here, I've seen green grass. YAY! Progress Report: Isla is confidently walking behind her walker. FINALLY, she's making progress. Normally she would've just sat down if we put her behind it but yesterday the lady was marching all over the place..... It was a happy day yesterday!

Saturday Morning in Colorado

Dear Diary, If you've watched CNN in the last 12 hours you know what I'm talking about. We're snowed under!!! In some places in the mountains they've recieved over 34 inches (almost 4 feet) of snow in the last 24 hours. The I-70 from Golden to Vail is closed and they don't know when it's going to be re-opened but honestly, I can't imagine going on that highway in this weather unless it was a medical emergency. Imagine a roller coaster without the loops, that's what that stretch of highway is like. This is Colin and Isla about an hour ago to go and collect the mail. He took our "4x4" and could hardly make it through the heavy wet snow. Anyways, if you ever wanted to do some Rocky Mountain skiing or snowshoeing, it's a good time to book your ticket. Chances are good it will be gone by Tuesday when the temperature will reach 70 degrees so you better be quick. Unrelated to the snow, check out Isla's hair. It's cr

Bye-bye house and Hello Visa

Dear Diary, An update to my post of a couple of days ago. Our House We sold our house Friday. It's bittersweet. Bitter because we loved that house. Bitter because we put a load of work into it and the yard and cannot enjoy it. Sweet because we no longer have to pay a mortgage and rent. Our Visa We received notification from Homeland Security to have our biometrics taken on April 28. Biometrics is a fancy word for fingerprints, iris identification amongst other things. It's a way for the government to track us 24/7. In case you were wondering we have applied for a EB1 visa. It's another step closer to the visa being issued. Weather We have experienced summer in winter and winter in spring. This is crazy - look what fell Friday and apparently most of Saturday as well. It's suppose to be 70 degrees (21 C) on Monday. I think I posted just about every day this week, it's time for a break. Enjoy your weekend!

Photo Update - 14 Months

Dear Diary, top row - l - clapping! -r - pointing to her nose bottom row - l - showing off her toes -r- pointing to her mouth Over the last few days I've noticed that I think she may be bored with her toys so this morning while I made her breakfast I resorted to the "old fashioned" type. She loved them, it was a hit! Who thought you could have so much fun with a wooden spoon and plastic bowls!