
I'll be back...

... but so much has to be done first, like this...... and when it does finally get arranged, it gets changed five minutes later... ... so then I do this... day there will be light at the end of the tunnel, like when we cross the Canadian border....

Three years and counting....

Heather writes: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh". Gen. 2: 24 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY COLIN! xoxo

Bon anniversaire de mariage 28 août 2009

Colin writes: Last year we weren't able to celebrate our wedding anniversary together as Heather and I were apart. This year thankfully we are together. Therefore I would just like to say to you Heather dear, "it's good to be together, and I look forward to spending many more years with you" Love always, Colin......

Museums are for kids!

I'm REALLY tired tonight but thought I would post a few photos from our trip to the children's museum today before I go to bed. Isla and I went with a friend and her son and I think it is safe to say we all had a good time. I'll be short on commentary but this museum is great because she can touch EVERYTHING! There are areas for kids to just run about, get dressed up and kid-sized exhibits. I think I may try to make another trip before we leave for Canada. In the locker.... ... out of the locker. ... the bunny costume she looked incredibly cute wearing... ... just like her father in the kitchen, making a mess and lovin' it! She wasn't sure what to think of the fireman get up...

Now what?

... and the verdict is... DENY ... for both applications. The "big" application consisting of the work and residency permit was a big disappointment. I say disappointment with surprise because even though we sort of knew it was coming and I want to move back to Canada, I was really disappointed. I don't want to move again. I want to stay here to have stability in our lives - for the first time in Isla's life. I want to sit on my sofa's again (they're in my parents basement 1500 miles away) in our living room. I haven't seen the letter but Colin said that some of the points they raised were petty. Could be but at the end of the day the company was too new, not established enough to qualify for this visa. Thankfully the denial has nothing to do with Colin and I and we have no ban from entering the US again in the future. The biggest surprise that made me madder than a hornet was in regards to Colin's temporary business visa - the visa

Happy Half-Birthday!

Half-Birthday? Yes, Isla is 18 months so half way to her 2nd birthday. I've heard the 2nd year goes quicker than the 1st year and they are right! She is still very much a happy social girl however just the last few weeks she has started to grow weary of adults but plays well with other children. Sharing isn't easy either but in her defense she's alone alot and is pretty good the few times she gets to "practice" sharing. At least there are no tantrums! She loves a good cuddle on her time and is a good smoocher. All we have to say is "mmmmm" and she'll come running to give us a kiss. Colin gets loads of hugs but I really have to work to get one! Nice. On the speaking front she is a chatter box but 90% of the time, we're not sure what she is saying otherwise she is right up there with her peers. She says all sorts of words like keys (a favourite toy), apple (the new favourite word), ball (which she can throw overhand) and others which

Half-Birthdays and Airplanes

I'm starting this post about our afternoon rather than the morning because that's the way the photos uploaded.... Colin and I decided to visit the Wings Over the Rockies museum this afternoon. It's located at the old Lowry AFB here in Denver and since it's so close to home, we should check it out. What else are we going to do this afternoon? There were lots of Air Force planes and helicopters since the start of flight so it made for an interesting afternoon. Isla, however, enjoyed the children's play room the most as she was held "captive" in the stroller and couldn't run around freely. We also learned our girl is NOT into airplanes at all but I can't say I blame her. Colin enjoyed it and it was small break from the ordinary. Now backtracking to this morning..... I belong to chat room of other February 2008 moms. We have daily discussions about the goings on in our daily lives and how the little ones are sleeping or not sleeping and tha

The Toddler Contract

I read this in the July '09 Parents magazine and couldn't stop laughing! Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for your interest in remaining my parents. Below is a list of my demands. The Toddler Contract I. Food 1.)For breakfast, there will be only milk in my sippy cup while I am watching television (see section II.) 2.)From breakfast until what you probably call lunch, I will be provided with an unending supply of cookies. No arguments. 3.)For lunch I will eat yogurt. Anything containing fruit on the bottom will make me pick it out and throw it on the ground or else throw it up on your carpet. a. So no fruit on the bottom. 4.)From lunch until dinner I will enjoy having something to lick. Why not a lollipop? Why not seven? a. Between licks, I may place my lollipop on your grandmother's Turkish rug. This will be ok with you. 5.)For dinner I will have macaroni and cheese. Any attempts to give me vegetables in addition to the macaroni and che