
Showing posts with the label Weight Loss

A Weighty Update

Dear Diary, As you may or may not have noticed, I have fallen off the weight loss wagon.... ... but I have crawled my way back up. I was at the gym at 7 this morning since apparently my body has to move in order to shed the pounds. What a novel idea, eh? For one reason or another, none of which are good, I have stopped going to the gym and pretty much since then, I stopped losing weight. Enough is enough, I have to lose at least 10 lbs. by the end of June. Anything less is unacceptable to me and anything more is woohoo!!! My original goal was to reach my ideal weight by May 22. That is not going to happen but I'm OK with it as long as I continue to lose. I am proud of the 17 lbs. I have lost and my clothes that were tight last summer are fitting much better now but I don't want to become complacent. Colin has orders to push me out of bed at least 3 mornings a week at 6:45, just enough time for me to get to the gym for at least a 30 minute walk/run or do 2 mil

Too much of a good thing is not necessarily a good thing

Dear Diary, I drink copious amounts of water. Probably about 80 ozs. a day or 10 glasses because that's what the "experts" say to do when trying to lose weight. I've never had a problem drinking water but recently I've increased my intake especially when working out at the gym. Lately I have been noticing that I am up to 1.5 lbs. heavier once I get back from the gym. That seemed odd to me since I do sweat a fair bit (sorry, TMI) but a few hours later I would be back to normal so I didn't give it much thought. Today I was surfing the net looking something up when I came across an article about a lady who worked out 3 weeks a month and then took a week off. She noticed that she lost the most weight the week she didn't exercise. Strange, eh? Well, it turned out she drank too MUCH water. Go figure?! Her body was retaining water the three weeks she worked out and it was eliminated the week she didn't exercise therefore she lost more weight. I t

The real reason I am this weight....

Dear Diary,

Another excuse.....

Dear Diary, Time for my weekly excuse. It's becoming all to common the last few weeks but I promise myself to change that starting today! Including this morning, I've been to the gym twice this week. It wasn't that I didn't feel like it I just couldn't. I had some nasty headaches. I felt sick to my stomach and all I wanted to do was sleep however with an 11 month old, that's impossible during the day unless she's sleeping. I think it was caused by the fluctuation in barometric pressure. So I didn't go at all and I was kinda good with my eating so I didn't gain weight again, just maintained. The plan for the coming week is go at least 4 times first thing in the morning before Colin goes to work. I've cut down my cardio time to 30 mins. for the week and I'll bring up to 35 mins. the next week but I should still be able to get 2 hours in this week. A little story from yesterday. The weather was summer-like again and I really wanted

Stuck in a rut...

Dear Diary, HELP! I'm struggling. I knew it was too good to be true when the scale told me I was down an additional 4 lbs. last week. I must've weighed myself on a very empty, shrivelled up stomach and no blood coarsing through my veins. I haven't been able to get back to that weight since I posted about it. But I'm not going to change my ticker on the right of the blog because I'm determined to reach 12 lbs. by the end of the week. If I don't reach my target, I'll change it to reflect my actual weight. For the last three days I've been up and down on the scale between 167 and 169. There is no consistency. Why? I think part of my answer to that question is because I've been a bad snacker last week and even up to yesterday. Today I am determined to put that bad habit behind me and kick things up a notch, AGAIN! I tell ya, losing weight is hard work! The treadmill is getting boring and I think I'll start some DVD's at home for a ch

A family of lightweights?

Dear Diary, I bought a bathroom scale this week. Not just an ordinary scale but the Biggest Loser scale and it was to come with the Biggest Loser DVD but it wasn't there. I'm writing a letter to get my DVD. Oh yeah, and it was on sale at Tar-get. I bought it for a couple of reasons. 1. Since we are still not in a position to get a pediatrician for Isla and get her checked out, I wanted to weigh her. 2. Also, I'm not sure the scale I use at the gym has EVER been calibrated and therefore unsure of it's accuracy. Despite my unfocused week, I managed to maintain my weight. Granted I did bump up the workouts and really watched my calories but this week, I've been a really good girl and the scale proves it. I'm down another 4 lbs. I'm not sure how I managed to shed those pounds but they're gone and never going back to my hips. Maybe it was water weight. My body is like a sponge. It also helps that we have blessed with summer temps. This week and Isla an


Dear Diary, This has not been a good week for me at all. Eating and exercising that is. I just can't seem to focus. I've been snacking and I've been at the gym only once. I had a plan but for one reason or another, it hasn't happened. I forgot to buy something at Target today so I think Isla will power walk our way on over tomorrow (although snow is forecasted ) and I asked Colin to be home by 6 so I could attend an aquafit class at 6:30. This week is only about intentions. Not much else. I think I'll avoid the scales. I'm disappointed in myself. Someone kick me.

And the scale says...

Dear Diary, 169!!! Woohoo, I lost another 3 lbs this week. That leaves me another 34 lbs. to go to reach my goal weight..... Getting there, slowly but surely....

This Weeks Plan

Dear Diary, In terms of my fitness routine, last week went well. By Thursday I was exhausted and decided to start the year with a day off but it was well deserved, I was either at the gym or at the pool everyday before then. The other exception was Friday. I was going to go to another aquafit class but I woke up 5 minutes after the class started so I did my regular cardio workout at the gym instead. Weight loss to date, 5 lbs. and 37 lbs. to reach my goal weight. My plan this week is already off to a rocky start. I was going to go to the gym this morning with Isla but the stroller is in the van but the van is in Denver with Colin. Monday - cardio Tuesday - weights Wednesday - aquafit class Thursday - day off Friday - cardio Saturday - weights and swimming with Isla

A slight change to my "hefty" plans

Dear Diary, I've been doing some research into my ideal body weight in relation to my height and bone structure. The experts say I should be 130 lbs. To be honest, I don't think that is a weight I can maintain, so I have decided on a more reasonable 135 lbs. ~ 5 lbs. less my original plan of 140 lbs. . To date I have lost 5 lbs. so really it's like starting all over again and I'm back trying to lose 37 lbs. rather than 42! Wow, that's a lot weight, eh! I'll keep on posting about my battle with the bulge and I frequently update my weight loss ticker on the bottom right column. Please keep praying I stay motivated and see this challenge to the end.

My exercise plan this week

Dear Diary, In my head I have devised my exercise routine for this week. Here it goes: Monday - done what I had planned but since it's such a beautiful day, Isla is going for a walk with us this afternoon. Tuesday - Pool-ates at 9:30 at Parker Rec. Centre. and weight training at the Coyote gym. Wednesday - Cardio ~ 20 mins . on crossramp thingy and 20 mins . on treadmill as a minimum. I tend to just keep going until I can't walk or get totally bored. It works for me! Thursday - Happy 2009! I have to start the new year in the Coyote gym so I will do weight training before heading out to a New Years Day party in the afternoon. Friday - Aquarobics at Parker Rec. Centre. and possibly 10 pin bowling in the afternoon for some fun with friends. Saturday - Cardio , same as Wednesday before heading out to take my Guppie to her first swim lesson at 11:30! Colin and I can't wait to see her little face when she gets in the water, it must be like diving in the ocean hea

I am SO down...

Dear Diary, ... by 1.8 lbs!!! YAY Heather!!! I have to cheer myself on these days. I told Colin I lost the weight and then the Arsenal scored (currently Arsenal 1-0 Aston Villa) so the cheer really wasn't for me, it was for the Arsenal.... As I continue to pat myself on the back, the lose was due to watching my caloric intake and not much exercise this week other than stretching. I have just come back from the gym and all 3 treadmills were out of order so I did 35 mins. on the eliptical machine. Boring but I got through it... I'm back tomorrow morning and I should do some weights as well...